P4 Outside

P4 is an outdoor parking area recommended for long journeys and for customers who want reasonable parking. In advance, you are guaranteed space.

Where and how to get there

P4 is located within a bus distance from the Oslo airport terminal. There is a free shuttle bus directly to the terminal, and the bus runs at 10-15 minute intervals.

We recommend our travelers calculate good time.

Follow signs for Oslo Airport and P4. Touch the link on the left to see the map of the parking area.

Other information about P4

Safe parking: P4 is regularly patrolled. HC parking: On P2 you will find 3 HC places. Valid HC proof must be clearly visible in the windshield.

Large cars and trailers: For parking with car trailers or cars significantly longer than 5.5 m (eg campers), it must be agreed in advance. See our contact details on the link below. Standard car parking space is 2.5 meters wide.

Oslo Airport, Edvard Munchs Road, 2061 Gardermoen, Norway