Role in society

Role in society

Avinor's role in society is to own, operate and develop a national network of airports for the civilian sector and joint air navigation services for the civilian and military sectors.

The company’s operations shall be carried out in a safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly manner and ensure good accessibility for all groups of travellers.
Norway is a country with challenging topography and vast distances, and Norwegian businesses are oriented to international markets.

These businesses are entirely reliant on aviation.

Aviation is also crucial for settlement, travel, the public health service, education, sports and culture.

About Avinor

Each year, around 50 million passengers use Avinor airports.

Avinor is responsible for around 815 000 aircraft movements per year.

The company has around 3 300 employees.

Each year, around 400 000 patients are carried aboard scheduled flights.

100 000 tonnes of fresh Norwegian salmon are flown to distant skies each year.

Avinor is a self-financed limited company.