
Avinor charges

We provide information about charges applying to operations at Avinor airports. Use our calculator to estimate your aviation and passenger charges, or get in touch with our charges specialists.
A cargo plane is loaded at a Norwegian airport

Charges calculator

Estimate your charges for operations at Avinor airports.

Avinor aviation charges

These are the terms and conditions under which Airport users accept when our services and facilities are taken into use, both at landing and takeoff. Charges are paid by the airport and airspace users to cover operational costs and investments in Avinor’s infrastructure.

For special information regarding Svalbard go to this page. 

For payment, takeoff charges and GA parking go to this page. 

Air Passenger Tax
If you fly to or from Norwegian airports, you are required to pay an air passenger tax to the the Norwegian Tax Administration. If you do not have a Norwegian organization number, you must utilize a representative in Norway to report on your behalf. Consulting firms such as Deloitte, PwC, or E&Y undertake such assignments. For more information, please visit the Norwegian Tax Administration website: Excise tax return - The Norwegian Tax Administration (

Charges regulations 

The charges regulations include applicable rates excluding VAT. From 1 January 2005 Avinor has been subject to the VAT Act. All domestic flights are therefore subject to an additional charge of 25 percent. The additional charge does not apply to international flights.

Avinor is responsible for collecting a passenger complaint-handling fee on behalf of the Air Passenger Complaint Handling Body. For 2024 the passenger complaint handling fee is set to 0,60 NOK per passenger.

An environmental charge of NOK 150,- per passenger applies to flights to Svalbard.

All details describing the terms and conditions for using Avinor Airports is available here: Regulations on fees for the use of airports operated by Avinor (in Norwegian)

Aeronautical charges




Take-off charge per ton MTOW



Ton 6-75



Ton 75-150



Ton > 151




Take-off charge Offshore





< 15 tons

10 048

  11 392  




Other airports


Per take-off


Passenger charge 



Passenger charge  



Transfere domestic



Transfere International



Security and navigation



Security charge




1 737,00


TNC regional

1 042,20

1 676,77

En route



En route offshore


2 388

Fee for the Air Passenger Complaint Handling Body 

The fee for the Air Passenger Complaint Handling Body is NOK 0,60 per passenger effective from January 1st 2024 until the end of the year, in accordance with the Regulation on travel complaint handling (FOR-2012-01-20-84).

Parking charges 

For all flights exempt civil passenger traffic parking charges will apply after 2 hours.
Included in the airport charges are 2 hours of free parking, then these prices will apply:

  • 4 NOK per hour per 1000 kg
  • Minimum charge: 135 NOK
  • Maximum charge: 5.300 NOK per 24 hour

De-icing charge

In order to be compliant to environmental requirements from Norwegian Governmental office and the Norwegian pollution act, all waste after deicing fluid and glycol is collected and treated according to regulation. The cost collecting and removing the deicing waste is invoiced all users, based on their actual use of deicing fluid. Airliners will prepay an amount based on budget cost, and after the de icing season is ended, Avinor will send an updated calculation based on actual cost.

DTS reporting form for calculating charges 

The DTS is regarded by Avinor as the operator’s confirmation of the number of passengers and the weight of cargo/mail transported on each individual flight movement. DTS is Avinor’s primary source for billing and statistics data.

Extended and extraordinary opening hours

Guide to ambulance flights outside opening hours at Avinor airports.pdf

Guide to extended and extraordinary opening hours at Avinor airports.pdf

A cargo plane is loaded at a Norwegian airport

Charges calculator

Estimate your charges for operations at Avinor airports.

Need more information about charges at Avinor airports?

Profile picture of Monika Odden
Monika Odden
Revenue Manager