AIS Publishing
Aeronautical publication services in Norway is executed by Avinor, and split between two departments:
- Aviation Services in Avinor AS, publishing AIP, AIP SUP and AIC
- AIS/NOTAM in Avinor Flysikring AS, providing integrated flight information and flight planning services for both civil and military flights.
Aeronautical information is promulgated through Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP), including Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), AIP Supplement (AIP SUP) and Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).
For supplementary information regarding publications and the related process, please see “Endring av AIP og AIRAC” as well as the following documents (only Norwegian versions of the documents are available):
- AIP Norge - Bestilling, produksjon og kunngjøring - Bestille endringer
- Vedlegg 1: Ansvarsmatrise for AIP Norge
- Vedlegg 2: Innmelding av banerapport (SNOWTAM-skjema)
- Vedlegg 3: Innmelding av godkjent bestiller
For further information please contact Avinor Aviation Services: